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Studio Update: Zines, Barbie, Crochet Daisies, and a Trip to the Library

Pear Zine issue five has been my main concern this week, and I'm happy to report that I have made a lot of progress. I am done with research and about 70% done with writing the first draft of all of the articles. I am pretty pleased with myself because I am not usually this far ahead at this point in the process.

While writing has been my focus this week, I also completed a few visuals for the zine. I purchased a cheap Barbie Doll and have been using it to create scanner art. It was really difficult to pick the image I wanted to use because I was happy with all of them. Here are some of the results that didn't make it into the zine.

This upcoming week, I am hoping to focus on the Charlotte and Marie comic. I have a couple of sketches completed, but nothing super concrete yet. The comic is always the part of the zine I have the most trouble finding the motivation for, but I think the results are always worth it in the end.

When I have free time here and there I have been working on a crochet cardigan. I am not following a pattern, but I followed this tutorial to make my Daisy squares. Once I have enough of them, I plan to stitch them together to construct the garment. I am pretty new to crochet; I grew up knitting, so my crochet skills are admittedly clumsy in comparison. I started project to force myself to practice, but in hindsight I wish I would have picked something a little less repetitive.

This week I also got a chance to visit the library. For the most part, I took home fashion coffee-table books to flip through for inspiration. I have been working my way through the pile and sketching out ideas as I go. I still have a few more books to go through, but here are some of the sketches so far.

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