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Studio Update: Scanner Art, Fashion Painting, and Comic Inking

I had a really busy week this week, so I made some time to do some scanner art experiments. I find that scanner art is a good activity when I'm feeling artistically drained because of how little control I have over the final image. I also used some of these scans to put together a zine that is available as a free digital download on my freebies page. I'm really happy with the results I got from this round of scans. Here are some of them that didn't make it in the zine.

This week I also found the time to start a painting. It has been a couple of months since I have been able to find the time to paint, so I'm a little rusty. I was not happy with how the face looked, so I painted over it and stopped for the day. I am waiting a bit to start back up on the piece so I can look at it with fresh eyes.

This week I am working really hard on wrapping up issue 5 of Pear Zine. I finally finished the comic and most of the visuals for the zine are complete. I still need to wrap up two of the three articles, but they are both 80% done. I anticipate being totally done within a few days.

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