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Prompt: Mark Making

For this prompt, you need a single art supply of choice and a couple of sheets of paper. If you want to use paint, stick to using a single brush and color. I chose to work with compressed charcoal and some textured drawing paper.

With whatever art supply you are working with, try to make as many unique marks as you can. As I was working with my charcoal, I used varying pressure, different angles, and different strokes to achieve a variety of effects. Once I had exhausted the more obvious mark making options, I found myself experimenting by doing things like blowing charcoal dust on the paper and activating areas of charcoal with a little bit of water.

You also might get some interesting results by trying various paper types. My paper was very textured and as a result my marks have a lot of texture to them. Had I used a smoother paper, like bristol board, I would have ended up with different marks.

Here are some of the different marks I came up with. If I am working on a piece with the same charcoal, I can come back and reference this if I need ideas for different textures. I also find this exercise helpful if I need an extra push getting the creativity flowing. Being forced to come up with new ways to use a material might end up inspiring something you otherwise would not have thought of.

Did you try this? I would love to see it! Tag @prettiestpear on Instagram or Tiktok.

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