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Nintendo DS: Rhythm Heaven

One of my favorite Nintendo DS games as a child was a game called Rhythm Heaven. This game was composed of several mini games, each testing a different rhythmic skill. All of the games center around a tap and flick motion with the stylus on the touch screen. When you first open a file, the game makes you practice this motion several times before sending you off to the first mini game.

The tap and flick motion was a successful choice for the game. Because the essential gameplay element is simple and stays the same, the game is able to become more complicated through the implementation of increasingly complex rhythms. This also gives the game a high playability factor among a variety of skill levels.

Each mini game starts with a practice tutorial for the game. This allows you to practice the concept before moving to the final performance. Each performance is graded, and you must get a high enough score in order to unlock the next game. There is no penalty for losing other than having to replay the game until you pass the level.

Once you defeat a level, the game gives you the option to replay levels and go for a perfect score. Medals are collected as perfect scores are achieved. These medals unlock "endless games", rhythm toys, and songs from the soundtrack. A near perfect soundtrack by the way; playful and energetic.

Each game has a unique title and animation to match. The animations are charming and give a visual representation of the rhythm to go with the sound. They are also able to achieve this implied little story within each mini game, which keeps the games engaging even if you've played several in a row.

The game was released in 2008 as a sequel to Rhythm Tengoku, the Game Boy Advance game released in Japan in 2006. When Rhythm Heaven was released in the United States in 2009, Nintendo aired commercials featuring Beyonce playing the game. To my knowledge, the game was not very popular regardless of the celebrity endorsement.

Used copies of Rhythm Heaven are currently selling for around $70. Even though it is on the pricer side for a used DS game, it was one of the first games I bought when I got my DS earlier this year. With hours of entertaining and replay-able gameplay, it was a necessary addition to my collection.

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1 Comment

Julie Phoenix
Julie Phoenix
Nov 17, 2022

I love this so much.

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