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I Love Lucy

Only about a quarter of Americans owned a television when the first episode of I Love Lucy premiered in 1951. Prior to television, radio content was incredibly popular for entertainment. Before her television debut, Lucille Ball starred in a radio showed called My Favorite Husband. It was there that Lucille met the producers and writers that would eventually work on I Love Lucy.

Lucille agreed to work in television only if she was cast alongside her husband, Desi Arnaz. CBS was not thrilled about the idea because Arnaz was Cuban. It was a risky decision to cast an intercultural couple during the hyper-traditional 1950s. This was not the first time the show pushed the relationship boundaries of the time. When Lucille became pregnant in real life, it was included in the show. This was absolutely unheard of at the time because pregnancy implied a sexual relationship. The risk payed off in the end when over 40 million people tuned into the episode where Lucy gives birth. That is almost 20 million more viewers than the Dwight D Eisenhower inauguration that aired the following day.

The show was able to break away from traditional housewife roles by giving Lucy an independent and mischievous personality. Lucy goes on regular adventures with her best friend and neighbor, Ethel Mertz, often getting into various types of trouble. That's not to say traditional gender roles were not still in place; Lucy merely had a little bit more freedom than other TV housewives at the time.

The hilarity of Lucille Ball's performances, specifically her way over the top facial expressions, have earned her status as an icon. The show had such a big impact on the cultural cannon that references to the show in other media is incredibly common. TV tropes has a good list of I Love Lucy references in various movies, TV shows, and literature.

Lucy's style preferences throughout the series are classic and elegant while maintaining a unique charm. I especially love the layering that is present in so many of her looks. Here are some of my favorites.

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