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Artist Profile: Sonia Delaunay

Born on this date in 1885, artist Sonia Delaunay's work is best known for its bright colors and geometric shapes. Sonia studied at the Karlsruhe Academy of Fine arts in Germany before relocating to Paris in 1906. It was here that she met future husband, Robert Delaunay, also an artist. The pair was heavily inspired by each other and would eventually codevelop a movement of art called Orphism.

In 1911, Sonia Delaunay quilted a blanket for her newborn son by piecing together a variety of fabrics. The juxtaposition of these colorful scraps of fabrics would go on to inspire her entire body of work. She was particularly interested in the concept of simultaneity, or the sensation of movement when contrasting colors are placed next to each other.

In 1917, the Russian Revolution forced Sonia to monetize her work. Previously, she had been relying on funds from letting properties in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she had spent her childhood. The revolution halted the flow of money, and as a result Sonia and Robert moved to Madrid where Sonia designed costumes for a ballet company.

By the mid 20s, Sonia was once again working in Paris, and this time, in her own studio. Here she focused on textile and fashion design with great success. Her work was incredibly modern and attracted many wealthy clients, especially throughout the 1930s and 40s.

Over the years Sonia had kept her Jewish identity incredibly quiet. When World War II broke out, this identity was confronted head on, and the Delaunay's moved South. After their move, Robert became ill and died in 1941.

Sonia Delaunay's contributions to the world of art did not go unnoticed. Her work is unique because it is somehow able to bridge the gap between applied and fine art. This is a result of her groundbreaking and avant-garde uses of color and shape. As a result of her bold design aesthetic, in 1964 she became the first living female artist to have a retrospective at the Louvre. Several accolades followed in the years before her death in 1979.

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